Thursday, December 18, 2008

Dec 18 Firstborn's 40th

Glad to report a couple of follow ups.
Nice to have a holiday -- this is a special one (vs. Pres. Day, etc)
Got some encouraging words today from a long time co-worker via Bamboo Brigade and Master Mind Group.
What a family we have here in TWCCTW !!!!!!!

Merry Christmas to all

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Dec 17

Not well -- fall must have done more damage than first thought.

Monday, December 15, 2008


Took a tumble Sat. nite after a Gaither concert and wasn't well enough to even remember to do this yesterday or last night.
Called in only to check out. Found our call time was moved anyway. Too late for an early rising old man (feeling older by the minute).
Wish you all well.

Friday, December 12, 2008


Blessings upon you all !!

Expect my weekend will aid in catch-up on the contacts.

Also more on the follow-up calls (so far follow-up has been in person, face to face).

Got some additional guidance from Ginny -- glad for organizational papers and presentation ideas.

Thursday, December 11, 2008


One more contact and two followups with MPM and WCM comparisons

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Dec. 10

Double calls last night

and Jacki inquiring about the non-profit (foundation) mall

Yesterday was so bad at work - not enough income (business) to pay one shift let alone two.

Today not a lot better

Did get one new contact
one follow-up

Call again tonight

Dec.9 b

Missed mention of two follow-ups

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Dec 9


no contacts - everybody hibernated

Monday, December 8, 2008

Dec. 8

Well, my five were a "gift" today.

I think we are living in blizzard country.

Saturday when no sane person ventured out (cars were sliding backward on our hill), I drove a mission of necessity 3 and 1/2 hours one way. (Return Sunday was some better)

Now today, tonight and until early Wednesday we are told that we should expect 14 inches of blowing and drifting snow. Everyone will hibernate.

So... I am thankful that enough new contacts came my way today.

Also had followup with a serious prospect.

and encouraging interest from a young couple who gave their information.

I'm hoping to stay awake for tonight's two phone calls: WCRBC at 7 and Ginny at 8.
My day starts at or before 2 am and today I was at work at 3 am. (I say that only to explain to those who might not otherwise know that my schedule accounts for severe drowsiness in the evening (with my usual bedtime at 8 or shortly thereafter).

Still glad to be on every call I can and will aim at both again this evening.

Friday, December 5, 2008


A glorious day.
When I thought my well was dry for contacts,
the Lord sent 6 new ones (five had good emails)

Printed up some more business cards (especially for travels the next two days)
ended up using some today.

I like our banner theme of Together We Can Change The World.

Also got our sponsorship materials for Flora ...and... a set about a boy for a man who comes to the station semi-regularly.

Flora's education will be a big reason to push hard(er) through the days of this Boot Camp.

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Colder than what???

Two days and getting worse.

Snow and cold.

Haven't dug out or started the van.

Hardly anyone moving about via the station either. = Fewer contacts today. Barely enough.

Two follow ups said they hadn't looked at their email in days. No help there. How does one encourage action without ticking them off???

Tonight, tomorrow night and then two days of travel. Expecting to gather a couple on the North and South journeys.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Dec. 3

Actually got to talk to two on followup today.
No sign up yet but both seem close to saying yes and I've encouraged World Changer with SBIY and $300 gas rebate.

Also got new contacts.

Then forgot how to get in to here and wasted time sorting through re-entry. Now it is all written down where it shouldn't get lost.

And then there's the five inches of new snow to deal with. Two grown daughters needing attention. Christmas coming and did I mention the frustration over time. The Beattles suggested 8 days a week and maybe we could do those in 36 hour days....

On with the show --- and some sign-ups.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


December 2, Tuesday, and again I am thankful for having 5 or more give me their information.

What a busy day!!!!

Double phone call tonight -- both good, both important.

Monday, December 1, 2008

December 1

God is good.
I worried about being in the same location and still finding another five folks for today.
I think I came up with 7 again.

The encouraging thing is that 2 or 3 seemed to have a work or physical situation that suggested they would be seriously interested and maybe even sign up.

Today started with temps in the low 20s and 20-30 mph wind with about 3 inches of fresh snow that drifted two feet deep next to my van.
There was a lot less traffic at work so I was concerned that there would be new people for sign up contacts.

I give thanks (even when Thanksgiving Day is past) for every positive connection.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Friday of Thanksgiving week

Because I had the opportunity (working on Thanksgiving morning) a number of new contacts have been added. About 5 plus hours on Thanksgiving and again today. So even though I got a late start on Tuesday, the Lord has blessed me with a 5 a day total for the week of 25 (actually 26 - 1 to be listed on Monday though contact has already been made).

This in the midst of three lively grandchildren today and a houseful of 14 for dinner and the afternoon on Thanksgiving Day. I finally had to send a few home when it was getting past my bedtime (since I rose at 2 am today).

Additionally the Fontanini figures representing Gabriel's announcement to Mary that she was the chosen Mother of the Savior have been taken to church and set up for this weekend. More for each of the weeks ahead through Jan. 6 (Epiphany - the visit of the wise men).

Stress --- accompanied by my Charile Brown characters sweatshirt for a lighter touch.

I think there's a call tonight so will see about a break away from guests to join in. Wednesday night I cut out of the church service about 10 minutes before it ended so I could call in.

But you should have been in on Tuesday night. A table before me held two notebooks. My land phone with headset was on this call and my cell phone on the other ear at the same time was in on my long time favorite call with Dr. Bob. Believe it or not, I was able to listen to both calls and take appropriate notes on the separate calls on their respective notebooks, Glad it could work!!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Day 3 contacts

I am trying to play a bit of catch-up.
So: yesterday 6 contacts and today 8 more (that's almost enough for 5 for each of the first three days of this week.

I should find a way to enter them all in the report (it only has room for five at a time).

Hoping this continues and that some great sign-ups come from this prospecting, letters, calls, etc.

Looked at the letters Ginny put in the update today and got a couple more ideas for the near future.

My days are sooo short it seems with so much to do even after meeting these people and starting the follow-up. Though so far I've been able to gather "helpers" while at work.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

11-25 update part 2

I've just finished creating a hello and intro letter with the link to my "foundation" mall and biz site.

I also just personalized it and sent it to each of today's six contacts.

Looking forward to tonight's call.

11-25 update

Nice to get Ginny's update with all 25+ of us listed. Due to my work schedule it's already 2:30 pm.
But the work schedule also produced a bean move of 5 plus 1 (after some serious prayer for openings before going to work at 3:15 am). Don't know about results yet but with name, email address and phone number there's bound to be some serious personal follow-up. ...and more prayer.
Today, while working on my wireless laptop, I happen to be wearing a sweat shirt that says: PRAYER The world's greatest wireless connection.
I'm grateful for Ginny and Jacki and their leadership. I'm grateful for answered prayers. And I'm sure that neither one would be worth much without some personal serious commitment to this whole boot camp experience.

11-24 summary

Day one and I'm still coming up to speed.
Jacki helped me get my blog started and here I am all on my own today.

I believe my late reception of emails and info has me about half a day behind.

Glad to be on Ginny's call tonight. Even a reasonable hour for an old coot who rises at 2:30 am.
I am however concerned that on Tuesday evening this will conflict with a very special - over the years - call with Dr. Bob. I may have to try two different phones with one in each ear. I would certainly hate to miss that old Bamboo and present Mastermind group and call.

I did get my beans and Ginny's call explained their use.

I also tried to create and print the WCM business cards and they printed solid black with only my two added lines in a faint and unreadable blue. Yet all other things are printing with proper color etc. Wonder if any others experience anything similar....

End Day 1

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Introductory Remarks

This is a great beginning for a new chapter in the life of an old timer.

I’ve been part of this work and adventure since ITI, OTF, SFCD, minor Investor, My Power Mall, and now under the banner of Together We Can Change The World comes World Changer Mall and the personal outreach of Someone Believes In You.

The next 60 days are going to be exciting – filled with trepidation and a lot of work,

But the cause is great! We get to show 150,000 people and all future comers that the promise of rapid growth and income is real and doable.

That’s important because we all have special non-profits and favorite foundations that we want to help (as well as personal dreams or retirement income).

My link is to JAK’s Place, our local Mental Health Resource Center, under the parentage of our county National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI). Give us a look and sign up to help at

As with many co-workers, I’ve spent lots of years with non-profits in Ontario, Canada, San Francisco, all over the internet, and now also in Wisconsin.

On behalf of me and my family (including Flora in Uganda) and our mission to JAK’s Place come along, encourage, cheer us on, employ all we are learning and doing for your own causes. May we all share in a great 60 days ahead!!!