Monday, December 8, 2008

Dec. 8

Well, my five were a "gift" today.

I think we are living in blizzard country.

Saturday when no sane person ventured out (cars were sliding backward on our hill), I drove a mission of necessity 3 and 1/2 hours one way. (Return Sunday was some better)

Now today, tonight and until early Wednesday we are told that we should expect 14 inches of blowing and drifting snow. Everyone will hibernate.

So... I am thankful that enough new contacts came my way today.

Also had followup with a serious prospect.

and encouraging interest from a young couple who gave their information.

I'm hoping to stay awake for tonight's two phone calls: WCRBC at 7 and Ginny at 8.
My day starts at or before 2 am and today I was at work at 3 am. (I say that only to explain to those who might not otherwise know that my schedule accounts for severe drowsiness in the evening (with my usual bedtime at 8 or shortly thereafter).

Still glad to be on every call I can and will aim at both again this evening.

1 comment:

worldchangerrealitybootcampeleanorn said...

Gaylord, the one thing I know about snow storms is that when people are staying at home because of the weather, they have more time to look at things online. They are also there to answer the phone for follow ups. Keep up the good work.
