Thursday, December 4, 2008


Colder than what???

Two days and getting worse.

Snow and cold.

Haven't dug out or started the van.

Hardly anyone moving about via the station either. = Fewer contacts today. Barely enough.

Two follow ups said they hadn't looked at their email in days. No help there. How does one encourage action without ticking them off???

Tonight, tomorrow night and then two days of travel. Expecting to gather a couple on the North and South journeys.

1 comment:

SouthernStar said...

Hey Gaylord;

When life throws you lemons - make snowballs...okay, not the right effect but you get the sentiment:)

You know what I've learned? That we're all in the same boat or in this case, camp. There's always going to be star campers and there'll always be a few getting lost on the trail but they too eventually catch up. The question here is, did you pack the bread crumbs?

We're going through the worse so it can only get better :)
