Friday, January 9, 2009

Jan 9

It's been a busy day -- at work 3:30 am until 1 pm -- and then the afternoon at church taking down the Christmas and Epiphany displays of Fontanini figures.

Still working on the five contacts. . . expect to complete / accomplish all five.

As I saw on a shirt: "What I really need are Minions"

Any volunteers?????

Thanks and have a great day / evening....


Big Z and his Mom said...

Hee, hee, hee, hee.

Have a great weekend Gaylord!

Ginny Dye said...

Hi Gaylord,

I am so proud of you for making the contacts. Congratulations! Now I would love to hear about the Followups. Making the contacts is like filling your sluice bucket with river mud. Doing followup is what it will take to discover the GOLD in the mud. Please focus your Blogs on Followup for a while so I will know how to help you!
