Monday, February 16, 2009


Did I say I wasn't going to blog after boot camp???

Well I just had to let Ginny and Jacki know that the lessons of the boot are at work.

Over the weekend I gathered half a dozen leads and sent emails.

Today I called them.

Always a wrong or not in service number or two.

I did talk with three (left a message for a fourth) and two are interested enough to talk again and one asked that I resend the email ... which I have done.

Looking forward to building....

Friday, February 13, 2009

2-13 Friday

A day to claim lessons

a night to march into the future

More time to do a little less and do it all better

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Can you believe boot camp is officially over in two more days???

Life is and has been so full.

Yet, totally clearing the deck for this time would have been unrealistic.

The best is that some combined lessons have been shared (learned?) relating to individuals, non-profits, schools, businesses, etc. Much has been tried and adjusted and refined which will truly make the life beyond boot camp more profitable and productive.

This one week has had adjustments to extractions, partials, and hour-long travels; H&R Block for taxes; and tomorrow will be Social Security for receiving payments (though I've been paying for Medicare [required] prior to this already). Plus the regular six-day-a-week schedule from 2 am with work until 1 pm.

This is the life into which and through which TWCCTW and MPM and World Changers fill every available moment and reach out to truly ---CTW.

Thanks everybody for your participation; Jacki for your leadership; Ginny, our CEO, for always having another idea for developing and enriching all we have to offer; and Dr. Bob for being the
wind beneath my wings for these many years.

The contacts newly made and emailed today are but a small part.
What we do "tomorrow" with all we've got will make the difference (for ourselves and for many others as we help non-profits to do all they wish to do to help others).

All the best to you all....

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


and the blog for today is: We're Headed For Valentine's Day
or you can put the apostrophe after the s if you have more than one

Today was spent with H & R Block doing taxes for federal and state.

Still managed to send out 5 contact emails encouraging them to become World Changers.

Monday, February 9, 2009


Anybody want a bad set of teeth???

Friday a scheduled trip to Green Bay and again today for adjustment to extractions and partials (extractions mostly are watched for healing).

Still awaiting are five fillings and a deep cleaning...
someplace in there my dentist is going on maternity leave
down the road these continually adjusted temporary partials will be replaced with permanent.

So here I am with email contacts and no follow up calls
if I remember correctly, we have two calls tonight,
WCRBC at 7 central and Ginny at 8

Catch you all on the airwaves....

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Today was especially busy on the home circuit.
Did manage to get emails out to five contacts.

Tomorrow looks even busier with another hour out of town plus an hour coming back.

Who said something like:
"When you've done all you can do, that's all you can do."

Keep on truckin'
Blog you again soon

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


after 15 calls today, I have a gentleman ready to look at my email and our site.
"We will be in touch again tomorrow, I anticipate.

Double calls this evening but only for a couple more weeks.
The conflict will be gone but the need to stay in touch won't.
Our calls are important for info exchange and some motivational challenge.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Feeling a great deal better today -- hope it holds and improves.
With determination to do...
Got five new contacts
actually made eleven follow up calls
as always...
there were some unavailable (5)
three got messages left
two asked to have me call later today (after 5)
and one asked for contact tomorrow

Progress for me
now we shall see about progress for new folks as well.

Thanks for your care and concern.
I'm not out of the woods yet.
I have another appointment this Friday afternoon.

for today, tomorrow and the days ahead...
as they say, "On with the show!"

Monday, February 2, 2009


These extractions and partials have wiped me out.
All I can do is sleep.
I'll try again tomorrow.